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We Honor Veterans

Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is proud to be a Level 5 Partner, the highest level achievable, in the We Honor Veterans program. Learn about the program and listen to Laura Long, LCFL volunteer programs coordinator, talk about her experience in supporting our veterans.

Veterans’ Services

We are very grateful for veterans, and we consider it an honor to serve those who have served our country.

Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is proud to work with the Department of Veterans Affairs as a member of the We Honor Veterans program.  This program is a collaborative effort of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs.

We are a Level 5 Partner through the We Honor Veterans program; the highest level attainable in the program.

What does this mean?

It means we have gone above and beyond for those who have sacrificed and given so much for our country and achieved the highest rank in the We Honor Veterans program. 

It also means we’ve had to meet a stringent set of criteria to earn this recognition. We are constantly looking for better ways in which we can serve veterans. In fact, when our admission teams meet with veterans, we complete a military history checklist. This will help us determine what services would provide the greatest benefits.

We also believe supporting veterans means educating the community. As a part of being a Level 5 Partner, we give at least three veteran-specific presentations each year. These may be given in community, healthcare and veteran organization venues. This also helps us develop relationships with the VA and other veteran service organizations.

Our social workers assist patients and families with navigating veteran benefit options, answering questions and recognizing and honoring their service throughout their time with Lower Cape Fear LifeCare.

Additional programs we offer include:

Vet-to-Vet Volunteer Program

Veterans often have a special connection with one another, and we realize they often relate best to another serviceman or woman. Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is actively recruiting, training and assigning volunteers with a service background to our veteran patients to provide support, because no one connects to a veteran like another veteran.

If you are a veteran and would like to volunteer contact us for more information.

Community Outreach/Events

Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is invested in our local veteran community. We host, sponsor and participate in veteran-specific events and committees. Some of our outreach projects include:

  • The annual Veteran Stand Down
  • “Honor Flight” documentary screenings
  • Participation at Veterans Council meetings
  • Sitting on the planning committee for the Purple Heart Dinner

We appreciate the dedication and sacrifice of those who have protected our country and our freedom. We consider it an honor and privilege to serve our veterans. We ask that you contact us for more information on how we can assist you, your loved one or your family.

To all our veterans everywhere: We thank you and appreciate you!


“It was a huge pick-me-up. I was really surprised how nice it was. The corpsmen wore their uniforms and I loved the way the hospice team put it together. It was so touching to be there with fellow servicemen, and my family and friends.”

Hospice patient and veteran

Quality Counts

Lower Cape Fear LifeCare has achieved a Level 4 partnership in the We Honor Veterans program, which works in cooperation with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and Department of Veteran Services.

Don’t Wait

Only 10% of our patients take advantage of the full Medicare hospice benefit which includes ALL medical care, medications, equipment and visits related to diagnosis.

To find out if you or someone you love qualifies for hospice, call 800.733.1476 or fill out the below form:




Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing access to the highest quality LifeCare, education, and supportive services to our patients, their families, and the communities we serve.


United Way

On January 1, 2020, Lower Cape Fear Hospice formally changed its name to Lower Cape Fear LifeCare to better represent the spectrum of care and support they provide those in our community.