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Transformative Gifts


Be Impactful

Create a lasting impact through Lower Cape Fear LifeCare Foundation.

Your investment supports our highly trained physicians, medical teams, social workers, chaplains and volunteers as they provide the most comprehensive and highest level of quality end-of-life care in the region.

We have an unmatched capacity to care for patients and families facing a tough reality – living with serious, chronic or terminal illness while navigating the emotional, psychological and physical demands of this challenging time.

We serve more than 800 palliative and hospice patients a day, and our grief care touches thousands. We can and want to serve more. Our care improves quality-of-life for whatever time our patient has left.

Your life-changing gift can have a lasting impact:

  • Opportunities to serve more patients in need
  • Ensuring no one is turned away because of inability to pay
  • Compassionate grief care and spiritual care

While every gift to Lower Cape Fear LifeCare makes a difference in others’ lives, Impactful Gifts made in support of programs and services fulfill the greatest need. From agency-wide initiatives that touch the lives of everyone we serve to specific capital needs that guarantee the highest-quality staff, facilities and care in our region, transformative gifts change the lives of patients and their families.

We hope you will consider making an impactful investment to support one or more of these programs:

  • Palliative Care – Specialized medical care for people facing serious illness.
  • Pathway to Care – Charity care ensures no one is turned away because of an inability to pay.
  • Dementia Care – Providing care and support for patients and their caregivers, improving quality of life for everyone involved.
  • Grief Care – Compassionate individual and group counseling, workshops, camps and programs for all.
  • Spiritual Care – Spiritual guidance to patients, families, visitors and staff.
  • Capital Needs – Transformative investment in the needs of our facilities.
  • Innovations – advanced, state-of-the-art equipment and programs to meet community needs.
  • Areas of Greatest Need – Donations to the area(s) of greatest need give the greatest flexibility to use funds on the most critical projects or initiatives.
Transformative Gifts

“I don’t feel like I donated any land. It belonged to the Lord to start with, and I just happened to be a steward in the right place to make the deed for it.”

Louie Lewis, LCFL supporter




Lower Cape Fear LifeCare is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing access to the highest quality LifeCare, education, and supportive services to our patients, their families, and the communities we serve.


United Way

employee engagement

On January 1, 2020, Lower Cape Fear Hospice formally changed its name to Lower Cape Fear LifeCare to better represent the spectrum of care and support they provide those in our community.